We have awesome team members here at Kano, and we want you to get to know them (and us!) better!
Next up in the Employee Spotlight is Rhia Davies-Willson.
➡️ Name.
Rhia Davies-Willson
➡️ What is your role at Kano?
Visual Designer
➡️ Where are you located?
Victoria, BC
➡️ What have been some of your favourite projects you’ve worked on while at Kano?
I've really enjoyed working with the images created by our amazing artists and creating promotional materials for the games. The Raid Boss art is awesome and I love making a logo to accompany the artwork. The same goes for our Idle Distiller game, each event gets its own logo created in a fun shiny, cartoon style. Kano's two game types are quite different, so I enjoy creating for both, as working between the different art styles keeps me on my toes. More recently I've also been learning UI/UX design, creating buttons, icons and more for some of our upcoming projects. I'm really looking forward to taking on more UI/UX design projects as I learn.
➡️ What do you like most about working at Kano?
We have a fantastic crew of people at Kano! I get to work alongside so many creative and cool people. I also love the flexible work environment where I can work from home with my cats or come into the office to pet some office dogs.
➡️ What do you like to do in your spare time?
When I'm not working, I do art in my spare time, like drawing digitally or working on personal design projects. I love spending time at home with my two cats binge watching shows or playing video games. My partner and I like going on walks around local neighbourhoods, browsing thrift shops and trying food around the city.
➡️ Tell us a fun fact about yourself.
I collect salt & pepper shakers - I have probably around 30-40 sets now.